Transit Custom Seat Covers by Town & Country - Leatherette - Tailored 2013-2023

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  • Regular price £250.00

Transit Custom Tailored Luxury Leatherette Seat Covers 2013-2023.

Seat covers designed to the front three seats in the Ford Transit Custom van. These are made from our own blend of vinyl materials providing a superior look and feel to your seats. They are tough, hardwearing and will give your seats excellent protection whilst improving the aesthetics.


Vaixhall Vivaro Seat Covers Town and Country TailoredVauxhall Vivaro Seat Covers Waterproof Heavy Duty Tailored Town & CountryTown and Country Tailored Luxury Ford Transit Custom Seat Covers Vinyl


* Tailored to fit the Ford Transit Custom 2013-2023

* Allows for armrests

* Separate headrest covers maintaining full adjustment

* Maintains access under seat storage

* Protects the whole seat

Part Numbers:

Driver and Double Passenger Set: LU4515

Driver and Single Passenger Set: LU4546

Left Hand Drive - Driver and Double Passenger Set: LU4553